The Spirit of Christmas Past
We had many visitors for Cookies, Caroling and Christmas at Cherry Hill. A signature annual event where costumed re-enactors of the 1860's welcome friends, neighbors, and soldiers who gather for some holiday cheer in the midst of the conflict. Period decorations, seasonal carols, poetry and readings, conversation about the latest news and trends, parlor games, and children's activities, along with a few seasonal treats will be part of this even. Most of you know the drill-please lend your support and your time and talent for this signature event as we present a Civil War Christmas. Past participants and new friends are encouraged to don the guise of a local resident or Union soldier encamped nearby, and engage wisitors to Cherry Hill with conversation, games, songs, and customes of the time.
As always, we are particularly looking for young people, as well as a few uniformed soldiers to entertain with the spirit of home and hearth. Persons who have participated in the past will be contacted again about taking part, but in any case please let us hear from you as soon as possible about your availability so we can start to build a list. If you want to know more before committing to a living history re-enacting role, have a particular idea to share about how we could enliven the festivities, or need help in identifying an appropriate character in Falls Church to portray, Please call or email May Jane Holien ( 703-430-5893)