Definition: the desire to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
The mission of the Victorian Society at Falls Church is to assist with preservation of historic structures and to educate our members and public about notable people and events that took place during the Victorian era. We accomplish this not only by hosting a variety of education programs throughout the year, but also by holding fundraisers and donating money to a variety of organizations. Here are some of the projects that we have donated to in the past:
June, 2019 - $1,000 to the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in Frederick, MD
June, 2019 - $634 to purchase copies of "A Christmas Carol" and "Through the Looking Glass" for Mt. Vernon High School in Mt. Vernon, Washington
April, 2019 - $1,000 to restoration of the 1858 Prettyman Hose Carriage at Friendship Firehouse Museum Alexandria, VA (unrestricted funds)
December, 2018 - $1,000 to Manassas Battlefield Trust (unrestricted funds)
December, 2018 - $1,000 to Bellamy House Museum, for restoration due to hurricane damage (unrestricted funds)
December, 2018 - $1,000 to Children's Hospital (proceeds of Tree Fest)
August, 2018 - $300 to fund "Investigating the Beast of Chicago" about serial killer H.H. Holmes for Curie Metropolitan High School, Chicago, IL (proceeds from ice cream booth)
July, 2018 - $300 to fund "All Aboard the Underground Railroad", books about the underground railroad for Mifflin Elementary School, Mansfield, OH (proceeds from ice cream booth)
July, 2018 - $243 to fund "Two Miserable Presidents" about Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis for Rama Road Elementary School, Charlotte, NC (proceeds from ice cream booth)
2018 - $2,500 to Lee Fendall House for foundation restoration (unrestricted funds)
November, 2017 - $1,000 to Turning Point Memorial