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Victorian Society at Falls Church Donates to Restoration of Prettyman Hose Carriage!


At the most recent board meeting, the board voted to contribute $1,000 to the Friendship Firehouse Museum in Alexandria, VA for the restoration of the historic 1858 Prettyman fire fighting hose reel carriage.  State of the art technology when constructed, this hose reel was made in Alexandria on North Pitt Street in the shop of Robert F. Prettyman.  It ensured that fireman had a steady flow of water and was fitted with a 50 foot length of hose and two large bells to sound the alarm as the vehicle made its way through the streets of Alexandria.  Originally costing $550, the carriage was also featured in local parades during the Victorian era.  In 2019, it made the list of Virginia's top 10 most endandered artifacts.  The museum plans to preserve the original wood carriage and return it to its original blue and gold color scheme.


This is just the latest in great projects that the Victorian Society at Falls Church has contributed to.  Contributions to the Victorian Society at Falls Church through membership and attendance at fundraisers are what enables the society to support such worthy causes.  Thank you!

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